Did Goldilocks have Perfectionism, Hyperphagia and Hypersomnia?
Goldilocks was only content when things were ‘just right.’ (The chair, the porridge, and the bed). So, was she looking for perfection? Perfectionists are known to have black and white thinking no half measures - it has to be ‘just right.’ Perfectionism is not actually classed as a mental health issue. However, it is linked to other mental health conditions one being anxiety as well as OCD. Perfectionism may contribute to disordered eating as well as steering towards high standards of excellence and precision in the workplace or academic studies. Often becoming frustrated if loved ones are not engaging in the same. Self-worth becomes linked to performance, and this in turn can bring about extreme thinking that increases anxiety further. It leaves no room for any mistakes and getting 95% in a test is no longer good enough.
Hyperphagia is a disorder of feeling intense pangs of hunger leading to excessive eating. It is not exactly the same but can often be associated with bulimia which is a mental health condition when a person feels they need to eat a large proportion of food and then purge (make themselves vomit) afterwards. Hyperphagia can also be linked to inherited disorders for example Prader-Willi Syndrome. Persons with this syndrome often become exasperated as they search for extra food and hunger can make the person hide or steel food. i.e., Goldilocks went searching for food by walking into the forest and then entering into a stranger’s house to find food.
Hypersomnia (Kleine-Levin syndrome) This is when a person experience recurring episodes of requiring prolonged sleeping episodes. (Goldilocks sleeping in the day). Persons with hypersomnia can still feel tired during the day even if they have had a good solid night sleep. Symptoms can appear in teenage years, early twenties but in fact not unknow at a younger age. Triggers for hypersomnia can be due to mood disorders i.e., depression, anxiety,, bipolar and substance misuse induced mood disorder. Also, epilepsy, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and obesity.